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HMS: Hydrologic Micro Services

Workflow - Streamflow

This workflow simulates the amount of water added to an ungauged stream system during precipitation events. The user selects a stream network either by NHDPlus HUC ID or COMID then chooses a start and end date. A runoffalgorithm is selected from NLDAS, GLDAS or Curve Number (CN) to calculate the amount of surface andsubsurface runoff for each stream in the network. A precipitation source needs to be chosen fromNLDAS, GLDAS, DAYMET, or PRISM if CN is selected as the runoff algorithm. The final inputneeded is a flow routing algorithm. The only choice available is the constant volume algorithm.Other algorithms such as changing volume and Kinematic wave algorithms will be implemented later.The outputs include GMT based daily time-series of precipitation, surface runoff, subsurface flow,and streamflow for each COMID in the network.Some random placeholder stream